Vina Auto Care

Vina Auto Care

Auto Repair in Portland, OR

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

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8220 Ne Fremont St.,
Portland , OR 97220 UNITED STATES


Vina Auto Care 503-252-9630
8220 Ne Fremont St.,
Portland , OR 97220 UNITED STATES
Vina Auto Care 5

Based on 2 reviews

Vina Auto Care 503-252-9630
8220 Ne Fremont St.,
Portland , OR 97220 UNITED STATES
5 5

Fast and inexpensive

I've taken my '90 Maxima to Vina Auto Care twice so far and I've been quite satisfied with the work performed. Each time I've dropped my car off, they've done the work perfectly and at a really good price. They will even install parts...
posted at 08/03/10
Vina Auto Care 503-252-9630
8220 Ne Fremont St.,
Portland , OR 97220 UNITED STATES
5 5

Fast and inexpensive

I've taken my '90 Maxima to Vina Auto Care twice so far and I've been quite satisfied with the work performed. Each time I've dropped my car off, they've done the work perfectly and at a really good price. They will even install parts...
posted at 08/04/10

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Vina Auto Care
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
domestic car repair,  car repair estimates,  auto painting fix car dent
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