Toyota Repair Specialists - C & T Independent Automotive

Toyota Repair Specialists - C & T Independent Automotive

Auto Repair in San Mateo, CA

Auto Repair

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1950 Leslie St.,
San Mateo , CA 94403 UNITED STATES


Toyota Repair Specialists - C & T Independent Automotive 650-341-3815
1950 Leslie St.,
San Mateo , CA 94403 UNITED STATES
Toyota Repair Specialists - C & T Independent Automotive 5

Based on 1 reviews

Toyota Repair Specialists - C & T Independent Automotive 650-341-3815
1950 Leslie St.,
San Mateo , CA 94403 UNITED STATES
5 5

Helpful, honest, affordable

I had to get my Prius lights replaced at short notice, I called, and was informed that the bulbs were extremely expensive (+$200 for each headlight bulb!!). Skeptical, I called around and then heard the same thing. C&T the only ones...
posted at 01/03/10

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Toyota Repair Specialists - C & T Independent Automotive
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Toyota Repair Specialists - C & T Independent Automotive

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