The Sunshine House

The Sunshine House

Local Services in Concord, NC

Local Services Child Care and Day Care Centers

Contact us


3056 Weddington Rd.,
Concord , NC 28027 UNITED STATES


The Sunshine House 704-786-4105
3056 Weddington Rd.,
Concord , NC 28027 UNITED STATES
The Sunshine House 2

Based on 3 reviews

The Sunshine House 704-786-4105
3056 Weddington Rd.,
Concord , NC 28027 UNITED STATES
4 5


We've been happy with Sunshine house - maybe because we have an older child? Seems like there may be issues with the infant/toddler rooms. We had a problem with 1 teacher, and it took some pushing to get my son moved, but they did move...
posted at 06/15/11
The Sunshine House 704-786-4105
3056 Weddington Rd.,
Concord , NC 28027 UNITED STATES
1 5

Teachers hate it too...

Someone left a comment saying we are overworked and underpaid...we are. I've worked there for several years, finally found something better (thank God!). Don't worry management doenst seem just unbearable to you, they are to us too! Its...
posted at 02/19/10
The Sunshine House 704-786-4105
3056 Weddington Rd.,
Concord , NC 28027 UNITED STATES
1 5

Never again!

Our child attended Sunshine House for about a year. \r
Our kid's first teacher, an older lady, seemed to be sweet, patient and knew how to "work with kids".\r
The second teacher was a younger lady; she was very nice and kind as...
posted at 10/01/10

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The Sunshine House
Local Services
2.0 (3 reviews)
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The Sunshine House

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