Tate Boys Tire & Service

Tate Boys Tire & Service

Auto Repair in Bartlesville, OK

Auto Repair Tires

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2319 Se Washington Blvd.,
Bartlesville , OK 74006 UNITED STATES


Tate Boys Tire & Service 918-335-8473
2319 Se Washington Blvd.,
Bartlesville , OK 74006 UNITED STATES
Tate Boys Tire & Service 5

Based on 1 reviews

Tate Boys Tire & Service 918-335-8473
2319 Se Washington Blvd.,
Bartlesville , OK 74006 UNITED STATES
5 5

Don't buy tires anywhere else!

I have been buying tires from Tate's tires since the late eighties and Tate Boy's Tire's was just an extension of the great service their dad always provided. My car broke down in 100 degree weather one day outside of Bartlesville and I...
posted at 06/28/10

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Company name
Tate Boys Tire & Service
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
radiator repair,  car fixing,  fix car dent collision auto repair
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Tate Boys Tire & Service

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