Simms Automotive

Simms Automotive

Auto Repair in Pearland, TX

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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2438 Park Ave.,
Pearland , TX 77581 UNITED STATES


Simms Automotive 281-485-3673
2438 Park Ave.,
Pearland , TX 77581 UNITED STATES
Simms Automotive 5

Based on 3 reviews

Simms Automotive 281-485-3673
2438 Park Ave.,
Pearland , TX 77581 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great mechanic.

Mr. Simms is a great person to do business with. His knowledge of the field is immense and in the rare circumstance that he does not have the skill to do the job, he will tell you straight out. My entire family has been using his services...
posted at 06/03/10
Simms Automotive 281-485-3673
2438 Park Ave.,
Pearland , TX 77581 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great mechanic.

Mr. Simms is a great person to do business with. His knowledge of the field is immense and in the rare circumstance that he does not have the skill to do the job, he will tell you straight out. My entire family has been using his services...
posted at 06/02/10
Simms Automotive 281-485-3673
2438 Park Ave.,
Pearland , TX 77581 UNITED STATES
5 5

Really friendly service and good information

My Toyota Highlander front end was shaking when braking to the point that my wife was scared to drive it. We were headed to Big Bend National Park on Wednesday afternoon and she insisted we get if fixed before we leave. I called Simms on...
posted at 04/20/10

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Simms Automotive
Auto Repair
5.0 (3 reviews)
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