Russell's Automotive

Russell's Automotive

Auto Repair in Kannapolis, NC

Auto Repair

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5547 Winter St.,
Kannapolis , NC 28081 UNITED STATES


Russell's Automotive 704-933-3553
5547 Winter St.,
Kannapolis , NC 28081 UNITED STATES
Russell's Automotive 4

Based on 1 reviews

Russell's Automotive 704-933-3553
5547 Winter St.,
Kannapolis , NC 28081 UNITED STATES
4 5

Nice Guy

Gteat mechanic. Had a big problem with our family car and needed it fixed fast. He got it done in 1 day and did not over charge what others were saying would take days.
posted at 01/14/10

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Russell's Automotive
Auto Repair
4.0 (1 reviews)
german auto repair,  domestic car repair,  auto bumper repair collision auto repair
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