Profiles Plus Hair Salon

Profiles Plus Hair Salon

Beauty & Spas in Oakmont, PA

Beauty & Spas Beauty Salons and Services

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758 5th St.,
Oakmont , PA 15139 UNITED STATES


Profiles Plus Hair Salon 412-793-6658
758 5th St.,
Oakmont , PA 15139 UNITED STATES
Profiles Plus Hair Salon 1

Based on 1 reviews

Profiles Plus Hair Salon 412-793-6658
758 5th St.,
Oakmont , PA 15139 UNITED STATES
1 5

Not at all what I expeted

This place was apparently rated highly in some recent poll, but upon entering you'll realize that 90% of the clientele is over 60. While the employees are friendly, they do not understand modern styles at all. For anyone looking for something fresh and young, this is definitely not the place for you. I hated my hair so much that I actually went to another salon to get it fixed, and I have never done that before. Upon entering the other salon they said "it has no shape and looks like a bowl on your head." I completely agreed. That salon made it look way better and it was cheaper as well. Again, the employees are very nice and there are even snacks and coffee--if you are older, this may be the place for you...but I personally would rather go somewhere where the people are cold but my hair turns out awesome.
posted at 12/29/09

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Company name
Profiles Plus Hair Salon
Beauty & Spas
1.0 (1 reviews)
manicures,  cosmetics products,  hair waxing hair cosmetics
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Profiles Plus Hair Salon

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