PC Wizard Service

PC Wizard Service

Local Services in Miami, FL

Local Services IT Services & Computers

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2646 Nw 97th Ave.,
Miami , FL 33172 UNITED STATES


PC Wizard Service 305-278-6945
2646 Nw 97th Ave.,
Miami , FL 33172 UNITED STATES
PC Wizard Service 5

Based on 3 reviews

PC Wizard Service 305-278-6945
2646 Nw 97th Ave.,
Miami , FL 33172 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent computer care!!!

I've always felt a little intimidated by computers...life is great when they are working, but if something should happen...OH NO!!!! Thanks to PC Wizard, I no longer have those "oh no" moments. I just pick up the phone and they come to...
posted at 11/08/10
PC Wizard Service 305-278-6945
2646 Nw 97th Ave.,
Miami , FL 33172 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great experience!

Thank you to PC and Mac Wizard Service for their great customer service!. They went above and beyond when they helped me to repair my MacBook after the glass got broken, I sent my MacBook via FedEx and it was repaired and sent back to me within 2 business days. What a great service!...Not even counting that they have Free shipping and...they beat Apple price by far!....
posted at 11/03/10
PC Wizard Service 305-278-6945
2646 Nw 97th Ave.,
Miami , FL 33172 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent computer care!!!

I've always felt a little intimidated by computers...life is great when they are working, but if something should happen...OH NO!!!! Thanks to PC Wizard, I no longer have those "oh no" moments. I just pick up the phone and they come to the rescue. Our company has been working with PC Wizard for the past 2 1/2 years. It is truly a pleasure and relief to work with such competent and professional people. Thanks PC WIzard!!!!!!!!!
posted at 11/07/10

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