Evergreen Baptist Church

Evergreen Baptist Church

Churches in Rosemead, CA


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1255 San Gabriel Blvd.,
Rosemead , CA 91770 UNITED STATES


Evergreen Baptist Church 626-280-0477
1255 San Gabriel Blvd.,
Rosemead , CA 91770 UNITED STATES
Evergreen Baptist Church 5

Based on 1 reviews

Evergreen Baptist Church 626-280-0477
1255 San Gabriel Blvd.,
Rosemead , CA 91770 UNITED STATES
5 5

The Unofficial Asian-American Church of LA

Evergreen Baptist is the flagship church of Asian-Americans looking for an Asian-American church in LA. Started as a Japanese Baptist church in the 1920's, it has since grown and flourished under Pastor Ken Fong's leadership to include other Asians and increasingly more non-Asians.

While it's easiest to note EBCLA because of Fong's preaching, it is the depth of talents among the laity that makes EBCLA an extraordinary place. It has become a favorite church for professors and leaders of para-church ministries.

It's definitely a bigger church, close to 1000 people, so don't expect to become friends with everyone right away. Getting involved in a Sedaqah group (what they call their small groups) is the key to connecting with people in the church.

PROS: Big, Excellent preaching, Gifted membership
posted at 11/07/05

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Evergreen Baptist Church
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Evergreen Baptist Church

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