Danny's Import Service Inc.

Danny's Import Service Inc.

Auto Repair in Lewisville, TX

Auto Repair

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1098 Texas St., C
Lewisville , TX 75057 UNITED STATES


Danny's Import Service Inc. 972-434-4488
1098 Texas St., C
Lewisville , TX 75057 UNITED STATES
Danny's Import Service Inc. 5

Based on 2 reviews

Danny's Import Service Inc. 972-434-4488
1098 Texas St., C
Lewisville , TX 75057 UNITED STATES
5 5

The only place to take your honda!

This place is GREAT!!!! The owner Danny and the staff are honest, hard working people. This is the only place I've taken my honda to since moving to the area, 7 years ago. I am so pleased that I found this business. As a single woman it...
posted at 08/19/10
Danny's Import Service Inc. 972-434-4488
1098 Texas St., C
Lewisville , TX 75057 UNITED STATES
5 5

5 month project done in one week

I took my 95 honda hatchback in hopes that the repair wouldn't be what is usually an over the top bill. The mechanic on duty took a minute of his time to listen to my car trouble. Given the time frame of a holiday, I was not expecting my...
posted at 02/22/11

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Company name
Danny's Import Service Inc.
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
collision auto repair,  car brake repair,  auto painting auto service
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Danny's Import Service Inc.

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