D & D Collision

D & D Collision

Auto Repair in Kingwood, TX

Auto Repair Body Shops Auto Parts and Accessories

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22500 Highway 59 N.,
Kingwood , TX 77339 UNITED STATES


D & D Collision 281-446-8993
22500 Highway 59 N.,
Kingwood , TX 77339 UNITED STATES
D & D Collision 1

Based on 1 reviews

D & D Collision 281-446-8993
22500 Highway 59 N.,
Kingwood , TX 77339 UNITED STATES
1 5

service king sucks!!!

My insurance company told me to take my vehicle over to this facility.... I have changed insurance companies for how this bodyshop took care of this claim and why they sent me to this crap facility. This facility delivered my vehicle dirty and not all of the damages were fixed. Since they told my insurance company that my car was ready Enterprise stating charging my card because the repairs were compete.... or so they said. When I talked to the manager he said that there was nothing that he could do about the rental car even though the repairs were not complete. They had my vehicle another 4 days at my cost ($200.00)

I complained about the smell that was in my car to the manager and the manager said that was the treatment facility next door. I never knew what a treatment facility was but to find out it is where everyones toilet water goes. After feeling sick for a few weeks i decided to get a new car and let someone else deal with the bad smell and the poor quality workmanship....BYE BYE Natiowide and Service King you wont get me business again
posted at 05/05/11

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D & D Collision
Auto Repair
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