Chapman Convalescent Hospital

Chapman Convalescent Hospital

Assisted Living Facilities in Riverside, CA

Assisted Living Facilities

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4301 Caroline Ct.,
Riverside , CA 92506 UNITED STATES


Chapman Convalescent Hospital 951-683-7111
4301 Caroline Ct.,
Riverside , CA 92506 UNITED STATES
Chapman Convalescent Hospital 1

Based on 1 reviews

Chapman Convalescent Hospital 951-683-7111
4301 Caroline Ct.,
Riverside , CA 92506 UNITED STATES
1 5

Not happy with this facility. My mom came from the hospital after being there for 3 days and have total knee replacement surgery, she's 83 yrs old. First 2 days she was there she was not given her pain meds because someone did not enter it into their computer. Wouldn't it be obvious for a nurse to realize that a person who just had surgery should be taking a prescription pain med?? Well this happened twice. I took my mom to her follow up visit and the doctor lowered her the dose of pain med upon my moms request. I gave the paperwork to the people here and once again my mom went two days without pain meds because no one faxed the prescription to the pharmacy? I have seen nurses leave patients in the bathroom for an hour, just sitting in there. I have see them leave a patient in the dining room for 3 hours because they forgot to go back for her. My mom has on many occasions had to get out of bed by herself (which she was told not to do) to go to the bathroom because when she pushed the button for someone to come, no one came. I'm pretty shocked at what I have seen and will never recommend this facility to anyone.
posted at 09/19/14

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Chapman Convalescent Hospital
Assisted Living Facilities
1.0 (1 reviews)
senior independent living,  senior assisted living facilities,  senior living residences assisted living facilities for sale
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