

Automotive in Greensboro, NC

Automotive Auto Dealers Wholesalers

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3412 W Wendover Ave.,
Greensboro , NC 27407 UNITED STATES


CarMax 336-292-0303
3412 W Wendover Ave.,
Greensboro , NC 27407 UNITED STATES
CarMax 3.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

CarMax 336-292-0303
3412 W Wendover Ave.,
Greensboro , NC 27407 UNITED STATES
5 5

CarMax is Great

Four top notch transactions. I'm never going anywhere else. Because their salespeople are on salary and not commission, there really is no pressure. I was treated intelligently and politely, not like at other dealerships, where I get...
posted at 04/20/11
CarMax 336-292-0303
3412 W Wendover Ave.,
Greensboro , NC 27407 UNITED STATES
1 5

For Lazy People or Wrecks

They offered me 6,500 for a 2004 Honda Accord with only one ding and claimed they need to "invest" 16 hours pouring that low gloss finish over it and fixing ding size of a dime. \r
I sold the car ten days later for 10,500 with a fifty...
posted at 12/24/10
CarMax 336-292-0303
3412 W Wendover Ave.,
Greensboro , NC 27407 UNITED STATES
5 5

Highly recommend!!

First let me say that I ordinarily HATE car shopping! I went to Car Max of Greensboro roughly two weeks ago after having seen 3 cars online that were in their lot. The sales people (Kenna and Phillip) were extremely helpful and...
posted at 07/01/10

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