Adsmore Museum

Adsmore Museum

Museums in Princeton, KY


Contact us


304 N Jefferson St,
Princeton , KY 42445 UNITED STATES

About Adsmore Museum

Throughout the year your guided tour finds members of the Smith-Garrett family observing life's memorable events. Step back in time and share the joys, sorrows and
triumphs of this prominent western Kentucky family while visiting their elegant home filled with their personal belongings known as Adsmore Museum. Upon the death of Miss Katharine Garrett in September, 1984, the Board of Trustees of the George Coon Public Library inherited the historic home called "Adsmore" to be used as a museum. By her will, Miss Garrett established a trust with which to restore the home and partially provide for its upkeep and operation. The museum opened to the public in 1986 and has been a favorite living history museum and attraction for family tours ever since with our amazing gardens.Our Gift Shop is open to the public during museum hours, museum admittance is not required.Crystal, hand fans, parasols, gloves, books by local authors, and many more unique gifts await the visitor to the Carriage Shop.Restored to its late Victorian grandeur, Adsmore welcomes you for a visit. Come enjoy the home, not only for architectural charm, but also for its past with a presence that changes with the seasons.


Adsmore Museum 270-365-3114
304 N Jefferson St,
Princeton , KY 42445 UNITED STATES
Adsmore Museum

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Adsmore Museum
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Adsmore Museum

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