Kimmel Automotive Inc

Kimmel Automotive Inc

Auto Repair in Chesapeake, VA

Auto Repair Tires

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335 Centerville Tpke S, Ste A
Chesapeake , VA 23322 UNITED STATES


Kimmel Automotive Inc 757-482-5226
335 Centerville Tpke S, Ste A
Chesapeake , VA 23322 UNITED STATES
Kimmel Automotive Inc 4

Based on 1 reviews

Kimmel Automotive Inc 757-482-5226
335 Centerville Tpke S, Ste A
Chesapeake , VA 23322 UNITED STATES
4 5

Thanks Tom

The manager Tom is very helpful. I live an hour away, but pass thru Chesapeake when I need to. Tom went out of his way to help me, so I have gone out of my way to have Tom's crew put a couple of spares together for me. Why not. This is...
posted at 06/08/10

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Kimmel Automotive Inc
Auto Repair
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