Driver's Way

Driver's Way

Auto Dealers in Pelham, AL

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

Contact us


100 Driver's Way,
Pelham , AL 35124 UNITED STATES

About Driver's Way

Driver's Way is a pre-owned vehicle superstore, carrying most makes and models of used cars. They offer hundreds of late-model, premium, inspected vehicles, sold from a low-pressure, customer-friendly point-of-view. Every vehicle sold has fixed, no-haggle pricing, has a 3-day/250-mile return policy, and is guaranteed not to have frame or flood damage. Driver's Way: "The Way to a Better Vehicle!"


Driver's Way 205-982-8326
100 Driver's Way,
Pelham , AL 35124 UNITED STATES
Driver's Way 1

Based on 3 reviews

Driver's Way 205-982-8326
100 Driver's Way,
Pelham , AL 35124 UNITED STATES
1 5

Not so nice Experience

Many hours spent at driver's way and left empty handed feeling really frustrated! Will never do business there again... awful experience!
posted at 09/07/10
Driver's Way 205-982-8326
100 Driver's Way,
Pelham , AL 35124 UNITED STATES
1 5

Not Professional

We entered Driver's Way to find a group of sales people all laughing and enjoying themselves. We assumed they would acknowledge us. We walked right pass the main desk and they never noticed. We wen...
posted at 11/09/10
Driver's Way 205-982-8326
100 Driver's Way,
Pelham , AL 35124 UNITED STATES
1 5

Rip off!

They will give you about half what your car is worth and then charge you top dollar for yourself a favor and stay away!!!!!!!!
posted at 04/05/11

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Driver's Way
Auto Dealers
1.0 (3 reviews)
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Driver's Way

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