Dog Day Getaway

Dog Day Getaway

Dog Training in Apple Valley, MN

Dog Training Pet Care and Grooming

Contact us


14607 Felton Ct #101,
Apple Valley , MN 55124 UNITED STATES

About Dog Day Getaway

Dog Day Getaway Apple Valley MN offers a 9,000 sq ft facility offering cage free daycare, overnight boarding, doggie playgroups & dog training. We offer an amazing self wash area for your convenience as well as full service bathing. Our dogs have all day access outside & we offer the only outdoor space in the Twin Cities that is connected to a sanitary system making it the cleanest around! We have 9 webcams throughout the facility as well so you can check on your dog any time during our business hours. We also offer dog playgroups and training classes. As one of the most established dog daycare facilities in the area we offer only the highest quality of care and boarding.



Dog Day Getaway 952-431-9663
14607 Felton Ct #101,
Apple Valley , MN 55124 UNITED STATES
Dog Day Getaway

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Dog Day Getaway
Dog Training
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dog daycare,  dog boarding,  dog training dog bathing and self wash
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Dog Day Getaway

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