Reox Automotive

Reox Automotive

Auto Repair in Murfreesboro, TN

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

Contact us


850 NW Broad St.,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES

About Reox Automotive

Reox Automotive is a family owned and operated auto repair and maintenance facility run by Jeff and Heather Knox. Jeff has over 25 years in the automotive industry. It is easy to find a place to have your automotive work done, but we would like to think that we are one of a very few with the values and ethics that people deserve. We try to personally help every customer understand what their car needs so they can make an educated decision about what repairs and service to perform and what can be delayed. We operate on a show and tell system. We believe the customer should see the repair that needs to be made so that they can fully understand what and why their vehicle needs repair or maintenance.


Reox Automotive 615-895-2108
850 NW Broad St.,
Murfreesboro , TN 37129 UNITED STATES
Reox Automotive

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Reox Automotive

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