Torres Automotive & Mufflers

Torres Automotive & Mufflers

Auto Repair in Riverside, CA

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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10835 Hole Ave,
Riverside , CA 92505 UNITED STATES

About Torres Automotive & Mufflers

Keep your car on the road with help from Torres Automotive & Mufflers in Riverside, California. From a simple oil change to a full auto repair, we offer complete vehicle maintenance for your ride. Visit us for services performed with the strength and training of the USMC. Because we provide computer diagnostics, you never have to pay for a repair that you don't really need. Our owner, Luis Torres, has more than 35 years of experience in the industry. He received military training from the United States Marine Corps, and he provides top service and quality you can rely on. Our certified technicians offer friendly services to each of our clients. Contact our company in Riverside, California, to meet with us for your auto repair.


Torres Automotive & Mufflers 951-343-0900
10835 Hole Ave,
Riverside , CA 92505 UNITED STATES
Torres Automotive & Mufflers

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