Ward's Wrecker Service Inc.

Ward's Wrecker Service Inc.

Towing in Pearl, MS

Towing Lumber & Building Supplies Movers & Moving Companies

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850 North Bierdeman Rd,
Pearl , MS 39208 UNITED STATES

About Ward's Wrecker Service Inc.

At Ward’s Wrecker Service, we are here to help YOU! We offer competitive prices, and low-cost, high-end service with fast response, 24 hr customer support, and a team of dedicated and well-versed specialists for your needs.The technological advances of today's vehicles are superior, however, vehicles are still machines. Even sophisticated machines need maintenance and may, at some point, need repair services. If your car breaks down on the road, you can rely on us.

Ward's Wrecker Service is a professional towing company that is open 7 days a week. We have been providing outstanding towing services in the Jackson, MS area for 48 years. Our excellent technicians are trained, skilled, experienced. Our repair center is fully equipped for the majority of minor and major repair situations. We also have 24/7 towing service for emergency situations. Why wait? Call us today so we may get you back on the road and on your way!


Ward's Wrecker Service Inc. 601-948-1310
850 North Bierdeman Rd,
Pearl , MS 39208 UNITED STATES
Ward's Wrecker Service Inc.

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Ward's Wrecker Service Inc.

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