Arcadia Mobil Service Center

Arcadia Mobil Service Center

Auto Repair in Arcadia, CA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

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679 W Duarte Rd.,
Arcadia , CA 91007 UNITED STATES


Arcadia Mobil Service Center 626-447-9281
679 W Duarte Rd.,
Arcadia , CA 91007 UNITED STATES
Arcadia Mobil Service Center 3

Based on 2 reviews

Arcadia Mobil Service Center 626-447-9281
679 W Duarte Rd.,
Arcadia , CA 91007 UNITED STATES
1 5

"Buyer Beware"

This place was such a rip-off. My '03 Civic was due for both an oil change and a Smog check. I saw the signs advertising both services and a AAA rating so I decided to pull in on my way home from work one afternoon. I was told the service...
posted at 01/10/11
Arcadia Mobil Service Center 626-447-9281
679 W Duarte Rd.,
Arcadia , CA 91007 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best service ever

As a female, its hard to trust mechanics. It seems everywhere you go, they try to take advantage of your lack of knowledge.My experience at Arcadia Mobil was wonderful. They explained the problem that my car was having in detail and I was...
posted at 03/16/10

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Arcadia Mobil Service Center
Auto Repair
3.0 (2 reviews)
german auto repair,  fix car paint,  auto tune up fix car dent
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