Absolute Autowerks

Absolute Autowerks

Auto Repair in Plano, TX

Auto Repair Transmissions and Engines

Contact us


504 Bishop Rd.,
Plano , TX 75024 UNITED STATES


Absolute Autowerks 972-231-9777
504 Bishop Rd.,
Plano , TX 75024 UNITED STATES
Absolute Autowerks 3.75

Based on 4 reviews

Absolute Autowerks 972-231-9777
504 Bishop Rd.,
Plano , TX 75024 UNITED STATES
5 5

Outstanding care

Ashley and his team Absolute Autowerks have been taking care of my cars for the last 14 years, They are honest and fair, and do an outstanding job!\r
I recommend them to all my friends and family.\r
posted at 09/16/10
Absolute Autowerks 972-231-9777
504 Bishop Rd.,
Plano , TX 75024 UNITED STATES
4 5


I recommend Ashley and Absolute Autowerks to all my friends, particularly for European makes. I learned about Ashley when I asked a friend who sold auto parts for an honest and reliable mechanic for my BMW. Ashley is a BMW fan and owns...
posted at 06/09/10
Absolute Autowerks 972-231-9777
504 Bishop Rd.,
Plano , TX 75024 UNITED STATES
1 5

I would highly recommend Absolute Autowerks

Ashley is wonderful. I have been going there for 4 years now and he has worked on my BMW. Never had one issue and his prices are way lower than Classic or Moritz and maintenance costs are much lower too. It's really enjoyable to go to...
posted at 01/29/10
Absolute Autowerks 972-231-9777
504 Bishop Rd.,
Plano , TX 75024 UNITED STATES
5 5

Look No Further...

You will not find a better shop in DFW area. Been going there for over 10yrs and have NEVER been disapointed or taken advantage of. Ashley has an extensive knowledge of most any make and model automobiles and his integrity is second to...
posted at 12/03/10

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Absolute Autowerks
Auto Repair
3.8 (4 reviews)
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