The Law Offices of C. Lee Hewitt

The Law Offices of C. Lee Hewitt

Lawyers and Law Firms in Fremont, CA

Lawyers and Law Firms

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43430 Mission Blvd., Suite 210
Fremont , CA 94539 UNITED STATES

About The Law Offices of C. Lee Hewitt

Whether you are dealing with a divorce, a child custody dispute, an estate dispute or any other related matter; you deserve to be involved in your case.

We can also help you and your family plan for the future by creating wills, trusts and other legal instruments to steer your assets to the proper parties after you are gone. And in cases where these documents have not been prepared or are unclear, we will represent your interests in the probate process.


The Law Offices of C. Lee Hewitt 510-792-8811
43430 Mission Blvd., Suite 210
Fremont , CA 94539 UNITED STATES
The Law Offices of C. Lee Hewitt

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