Modesto Transmission

Modesto Transmission

Auto Repair in Modesto, CA

Auto Repair

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418 Kiernan Avenue Suite B,
Modesto , CA 95356 UNITED STATES

About Modesto Transmission

Modesto Transmission is family owned and operated since 1975, that is over 35 years of experience taking care of all your transmission needs. We have a convenient location on Kiernan Ave/HWY 219 just one block west of McHenry Ave. Our experience and years of exclusive work on transmissions assure our customers of a top quality job. When you have your transmission rebuilt, you're buying a service, not just parts for your vehicle. That's why it's so important to do business with a reputable, knowledgeable transmission shop. We at Modesto Transmission have the expertise to build the highest quality transmissions, ensuring you maximum value for your money. We service and repair all makes and models of domestic and import vehicles. We are your logical alternative to the dealerships for all scheduled maintenance of your personal vehicle, or fleet car or truck. Bring in your foreign and domestic auto, SUV, or pickup today with complete confidence that your vehicle will be serviced correctly while maintaining your manufacturer's warranty. We use the latest diagnostic equipment to guarantee your vehicle is repaired or serviced properly and in a timely fashion. We only use quality replacement parts, and our technicians are ASE-certified. At Modesto Transmission, our duty is to serve our customers with the utmost integrity and quality. We accomplish that goal with qualified technicians that have the training, knowledge, and experience to repair your vehicle the first time.


Modesto Transmission 209-522-5353
418 Kiernan Avenue Suite B,
Modesto , CA 95356 UNITED STATES
Modesto Transmission 5

Based on 1 reviews

Modesto Transmission 209-522-5353
418 Kiernan Avenue Suite B,
Modesto , CA 95356 UNITED STATES
5 5

Its nice to finally find a honest shop!

I have a 1978 Chevy pickup and it stopped shifting. I called several shops trying to find out what it could be. I really got nothing... Most of them just wanted to have me bring the truck to them and they wouldn't give me any information...
posted at 11/11/10

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Modesto Transmission
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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