Koeppen Alignment Svc

Koeppen Alignment Svc

Automotive in Butler, PA

Automotive Auto Repair

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301 S Chestnut St,
Butler , PA 16001 UNITED STATES

About Koeppen Alignment Svc


Koeppen Alignment Svc 724-287-5558
301 S Chestnut St,
Butler , PA 16001 UNITED STATES
Koeppen Alignment Svc 3.4

Based on 5 reviews

Koeppen Alignment Svc 724-287-5558
301 S Chestnut St,
Butler , PA 16001 UNITED STATES
2 5

Joe Schmuck

Well they fixed the alignment as they should, thats why I went there. But, better hope you dont need parts! Walk to Advance Auto Parts and get then yourself or have someone drive you there. I needed a steering damper...ok, lets get it....
posted at 11/22/10
Koeppen Alignment Svc 724-287-5558
301 S Chestnut St,
Butler , PA 16001 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great alignment shop

It is hard to find a good auto mechanic these days. Koeppen Alignment service is the best. They have excellent service and a personal touch. The owner will actually talk to customers and explain wh...
posted at 08/11/05
Koeppen Alignment Svc 724-287-5558
301 S Chestnut St,
Butler , PA 16001 UNITED STATES
5 5

Really Great Alignment Shop

It is hard to find a good and trusted auto mechanic these days. Koeppen Alignment service is the best. They have excellent service and a personal touch. The owner will actually talk to customers and explain what/why they are doing to your car. The business has been there for about 50 years providing excellent service. The prices are fair and it's never a problem getting an appointment, even with little notice. I even got an appointment the same day I called.

PROS: Personable staff
posted at 03/30/06
Koeppen Alignment Svc 724-287-5558
301 S Chestnut St,
Butler , PA 16001 UNITED STATES
3 5

Koeppen Alignment Service

Easy to deal with and friendly.Maybe just a little STEEP on pricing.Good if you want folksy chit chat.It might be better to look elsewhere if you want to save money.
posted at 04/26/07
Koeppen Alignment Svc 724-287-5558
301 S Chestnut St,
Butler , PA 16001 UNITED STATES
2 5

Joe Schmuck

Well they fixed the alignment as they should, thats why I went there. But, better hope you dont need parts! Walk to Advance Auto Parts and get then yourself or have someone drive you there. I needed a steering damper...ok, lets get it. The part cost $81. Well the dude added $29 extra to my bill for it! Quite a mark up! What a nice guy, well that what I thought. Do all shops do this? Im not sure. But I'll be asking for sure next time. You better think twice before going to Koeppen. He'll hit you pretty hard. Your wallet that is! Very dissapointed..........
posted at 11/22/10

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Koeppen Alignment Svc
3.4 (5 reviews)
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