Laura Torrado DDS, FAGD

Laura Torrado DDS, FAGD

Dentists in New York, NY


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116 Central Park S Ste 8,
New York , NY 10019 UNITED STATES

About Laura Torrado DDS, FAGD

At Laura Torrado DDS, FAGD you will find a team of professionals that are dedicated to providing top-quality dental care in a friendly, comfortable, caring environment.


Laura Torrado DDS, FAGD 212-765-1877
116 Central Park S Ste 8,
New York , NY 10019 UNITED STATES
Laura Torrado DDS, FAGD 5

Based on 1 reviews

Laura Torrado DDS, FAGD 212-765-1877
116 Central Park S Ste 8,
New York , NY 10019 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Teeth Whitening

I visited Dr. Torrado's office last week and I had the most wonderful teeth whitening from Dr Torrado. My teeth have never felt or looked better. I cant wait to have my next appointment love love loved it !!
posted at 12/09/10

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Laura Torrado DDS, FAGD
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Laura Torrado DDS, FAGD

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