Graziano D. Giglio, DDS, PC

Graziano D. Giglio, DDS, PC

Dentists in New York, NY


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16 E 52nd St, Suite 1200
New York , NY 10022 UNITED STATES

About Graziano D. Giglio, DDS, PC

The dental practice of Dr. Graziano Giglio and Dr. Ana Becil Giglio offers a serene, residential-like environment in a modern 4,300 square foot dental facility. The office includes five dental treatment rooms and two surgical suites, a professional prosthodontic laboratory, a state of the art sterilization area, a conference room, staff lounge, reception room and a sixteen-station computer system equipped with the latest technology and multimedia capability. Our highly skilled staff is dedicated to assisting you in all phases of your dental visits


Graziano D. Giglio, DDS, PC 212-486-6622
16 E 52nd St, Suite 1200
New York , NY 10022 UNITED STATES
Graziano D. Giglio, DDS, PC

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Graziano D. Giglio, DDS, PC

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