Pierce Jewelers

Pierce Jewelers

Shopping in Carmel, IN


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114 E Carmel Dr,
Carmel , IN 46032 UNITED STATES

About Pierce Jewelers


Pierce Jewelers 317-574-3333
114 E Carmel Dr,
Carmel , IN 46032 UNITED STATES
Pierce Jewelers 1

Based on 2 reviews

Pierce Jewelers 317-574-3333
114 E Carmel Dr,
Carmel , IN 46032 UNITED STATES
1 5


My husband and I are in our early 30's and looking to make our first wedding jewelry upgrade. After having a wonderful visit with G Thrapp Jewelers, we decided to pay Pierce Jewelers a visit for comparison and what a comparison we got....
posted at 11/08/10
Pierce Jewelers 317-574-3333
114 E Carmel Dr,
Carmel , IN 46032 UNITED STATES
1 5


My husband and I are in our early 30's and looking to make our first wedding jewelry upgrade. After having a wonderful visit with G Thrapp Jewelers, we decided to pay Pierce Jewelers a visit for comparison and what a comparison we got....
posted at 11/08/10

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Pierce Jewelers
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