Windham Automotive

Windham Automotive

Buses in Garland, TX

Buses Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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2405 Belt Line Rd,
Garland , TX 75044 UNITED STATES

About Windham Automotive

Windham Automotive has an A+ Rating. Jerry Windham has built a reputation with clients since 1983 at this location serving Garland, and surrounding areas since 1983 providing excellent automotive preventative maintenance, brake repair, transmission repair, oil change and lube service and every kind of vehicle services.

Windham Automotive is a full-service auto repair and preventive maintenance center located in Garland, TX. We are conveniently located and qualified to repair and service all domestic and imported cars, trucks and SUVs. We only use parts that are equal to or exceed the standards of those parts originally used by the manufacturers. We pride ourselves in being the cost-effective alternative to car dealerships and providing services for all your auto repair and maintenance needs. Regardless of where it was built, we will service your car or truck and still maintain the manufacturer’s warranty. Windham Automotive is independently owned and operated. We pride ourselves on getting the services or repairs on your auto right the first time by our highly qualified service technicians. We look forward to servicing your vehicle.


Windham Automotive 972-530-8336
2405 Belt Line Rd,
Garland , TX 75044 UNITED STATES
Windham Automotive 5

Based on 1 reviews

Windham Automotive 972-530-8336
2405 Belt Line Rd,
Garland , TX 75044 UNITED STATES
5 5

Gem of a shop

My car broke down today and I had it towed to Windham in the afternoon. Jerry knew I would be concerned about transportation to and from work so he was able to get my car repaired the same day by going out of his way and staying late. ...
posted at 05/21/10

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Windham Automotive
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