Trains Planes & Automobiles

Trains Planes & Automobiles

Hobby & Model Shops in Bellevue, WA

Hobby & Model Shops

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14725 Ne 20th St.,
Bellevue , WA 98007 UNITED STATES


Trains Planes & Automobiles 425-747-2016
14725 Ne 20th St.,
Bellevue , WA 98007 UNITED STATES
Trains Planes & Automobiles 1

Based on 2 reviews

Trains Planes & Automobiles 425-747-2016
14725 Ne 20th St.,
Bellevue , WA 98007 UNITED STATES
1 5


Every time I have been in Steve's store, he always adds extra items to my total amount as if i am stupid or something. The last time I was there (last month, he added extra bottles of Floquil paint, and added 3 extra pieces of HO flex...
posted at 04/27/10
Trains Planes & Automobiles 425-747-2016
14725 Ne 20th St.,
Bellevue , WA 98007 UNITED STATES
1 5


Every time I have been in Steve's store, he always adds extra items to my total amount as if i am stupid or something. The last time I was there (last month, he added extra bottles of Floquil paint, and added 3 extra pieces of HO flex...
posted at 04/28/10

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Trains Planes & Automobiles
Hobby & Model Shops
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