Tim's Automotive

Tim's Automotive

Auto Repair in Clackamas, OR

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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15688 Se 135th Ave.,
Clackamas , OR 97015 UNITED STATES


Tim's Automotive 503-656-0600
15688 Se 135th Ave.,
Clackamas , OR 97015 UNITED STATES
Tim's Automotive 5

Based on 7 reviews

Tim's Automotive 503-656-0600
15688 Se 135th Ave.,
Clackamas , OR 97015 UNITED STATES
5 5

they do a good job

they do a good job. We took our car there and it got repaired. They have loaner cars available for free.
posted at 10/26/10
Tim's Automotive 503-656-0600
15688 Se 135th Ave.,
Clackamas , OR 97015 UNITED STATES
5 5

Blessings Abound

I was referred to Tim's by a non profit agency in Clackamas Co. for help repairing my vehicle. I am a single mom with very little income and a huge budget deficit. There is no way that I was going to ...
posted at 11/08/10
Tim's Automotive 503-656-0600
15688 Se 135th Ave.,
Clackamas , OR 97015 UNITED STATES
5 5

i would recommend them

I believe Tim's is a great shop to business with. They are very honest and treat you well. i would recommend them to friends and family.
posted at 01/12/11
Tim's Automotive 503-656-0600
15688 Se 135th Ave.,
Clackamas , OR 97015 UNITED STATES
5 5

Tim's is a great shop

I believe Tim's is a great shop to business with. They are very honest and treat you well. i would recommend them to friends and family.
posted at 01/07/11
Tim's Automotive 503-656-0600
15688 Se 135th Ave.,
Clackamas , OR 97015 UNITED STATES
5 5

I would recommend them to friends and family

I believe Tim's is a great shop to business with. They are very honest and treat you well. i would recommend them to friends and family.
posted at 01/07/11
Tim's Automotive 503-656-0600
15688 Se 135th Ave.,
Clackamas , OR 97015 UNITED STATES
5 5

Blessings Abound

I was referred to Tim's by a non profit agency in Clackamas Co. for help repairing my vehicle. I am a single mom with very little income and a huge budget deficit. There is no way that I was going to be able to fix the belt on my van...
posted at 11/08/10
Tim's Automotive 503-656-0600
15688 Se 135th Ave.,
Clackamas , OR 97015 UNITED STATES
5 5

they do a good job

they do a good job. We took our car there and it got repaired. They have loaner cars available for free.
posted at 10/26/10

Detail information

Company name
Tim's Automotive
Auto Repair
5.0 (7 reviews)
muffler repair,  auto body repairs,  auto diagnostics domestic car repair
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Tim's Automotive

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