Szantho Law Firm

Szantho Law Firm

Lawyers and Law Firms in Santa Fe, NM

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210 Montezuma Ave, Suite 200
Santa Fe , NM 87501 UNITED STATES

About Szantho Law Firm

If you are looking for a Personal Injury Lawyer, look no further. The Szantho Law Firm handles many types of personal injury cases including car accidents, motorcycle accidents and trucking accidents, wrongful death, accidents involving drunk drivers and ordinary slip and fall cases. While a majority of these type of cases resolve before trial, each case taken by the Szantho Law Firm, P.C. is treated as if it will eventually go to trial.


Szantho Law Firm 505-820-3366
210 Montezuma Ave, Suite 200
Santa Fe , NM 87501 UNITED STATES
Szantho Law Firm

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