Presque Isle Wesleyan Church

Presque Isle Wesleyan Church

Public Services & Government in Presque Isle, ME

Public Services & Government Churches Community Service Organizations

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387 Centerline Rd,
Presque Isle , ME 04769 UNITED STATES


Presque Isle Wesleyan Church 207-764-5187
387 Centerline Rd,
Presque Isle , ME 04769 UNITED STATES
Presque Isle Wesleyan Church 5

Based on 2 reviews

Presque Isle Wesleyan Church 207-764-5187
387 Centerline Rd,
Presque Isle , ME 04769 UNITED STATES
5 5

Church that speaks the truth and cares about people

Doesn't matter what you wear or how much money you make. People are friendly and care about each other and the community. It doesn't take too long before people there draw you in and make you feel at home. They are involved in many...
posted at 01/05/10
Presque Isle Wesleyan Church 207-764-5187
387 Centerline Rd,
Presque Isle , ME 04769 UNITED STATES
5 5

Church that speaks the truth and cares about people

Doesn't matter what you wear or how much money you make. People are friendly and care about each other and the community. It doesn't take too long before people there draw you in and make you feel at home. They are involved in many...
posted at 01/06/10

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Presque Isle Wesleyan Church
Public Services & Government
5.0 (2 reviews)
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Presque Isle Wesleyan Church

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