M & F Auto Sales

M & F Auto Sales

Auto Dealers in Albuquerque, NM

Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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2922 Coors Blvd,
Albuquerque , NM 87120 UNITED STATES

About M & F Auto Sales

M & F Auto Sales is a family owned and operated used car dealership in Albuquerque, New Mexico. For 19 years, we have built a strong reputation as the best source for used cars in Albuquerque.


M & F Auto Sales 505-839-2299
2922 Coors Blvd,
Albuquerque , NM 87120 UNITED STATES
M & F Auto Sales 4.4

Based on 5 reviews

M & F Auto Sales 505-839-2299
2922 Coors Blvd,
Albuquerque , NM 87120 UNITED STATES
4 5


These people are crooks!! DO NOT BUY FROM M&F Auto!! I am speaking from my experience and some others that I have talked to about this dealership. My experience was I bought a car from these people that turned out to be a complete piece...
posted at 06/07/11
M & F Auto Sales 505-839-2299
2922 Coors Blvd,
Albuquerque , NM 87120 UNITED STATES
4 5


The experience was something that was a very pleasant surprise and completely caught me and my wife off guard we expected to talk to someone that was going to pressure us and it was the complete opposite. I will be recommeneding them to...
posted at 06/10/11
M & F Auto Sales 505-839-2299
2922 Coors Blvd,
Albuquerque , NM 87120 UNITED STATES
4 5

Just bought my 16 year old her first car

Thanks to Marcel and the great staff at M and F Auto Sales!! I just bought my daughter her first car. She loves it. I know its a safe car and it was in our budget.
Thanks Again
posted at 05/28/11
M & F Auto Sales 505-839-2299
2922 Coors Blvd,
Albuquerque , NM 87120 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Deals

my family has purchased 3 cars from M and F Auto and in about six months we will purchase my daughters first car from there. The sales people are really great and easy to work with. Dont listen to the bad reviews, Check it out for...
posted at 09/07/10
M & F Auto Sales 505-839-2299
2922 Coors Blvd,
Albuquerque , NM 87120 UNITED STATES
5 5

A Great Car Buying Experience

I recently purchased a vehicle from M & F Auto Sales and I have to say it was truly the best car buying experience I've yet to have. Marcel and his entire staff treated me very well from the minute I drove on the lot. The sales staff was...
posted at 05/28/11

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M & F Auto Sales
Auto Dealers
4.4 (5 reviews)
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