Terry's Auto Service

Terry's Auto Service

Auto Repair in Clive, IA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Towing

Contact us


1240 NW 75th St.,
Clive , IA 50325 UNITED STATES

About Terry's Auto Service

At Terry's, our technicians are skilled and qualified to ensure proper diagnosis and faster service. We have the most updated and advanced diagnostic equipment to help provide the best service possible. You can be sure that your car will be handled with the latest diagnostic equipment.

We care about your safety, that's why we offer the best preventative maintenance. We will save you money and save you time in the long run. When it comes to cars, preventative maintenance means taking care of the little things like oil changes, tire rotation, and having regular tune-ups.

If you need brakes, exhaust, an oil change, or an entire engine replaced, our shop has the solution for you!

Our goal is to provide the best service at the best rates without wasting your time or money. We provide a satisfaction guarantee for all services provided.


Terry's Auto Service 515-255-4041
1240 NW 75th St.,
Clive , IA 50325 UNITED STATES
Terry's Auto Service

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Terry's Auto Service
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