Grande Pizza

Grande Pizza

Pizza in Irwin, PA

Pizza Tex-Mex Restaurants

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12120 Route 30., 115
Irwin , PA 15642 UNITED STATES


Grande Pizza 724-864-3360
12120 Route 30., 115
Irwin , PA 15642 UNITED STATES
Grande Pizza 2

Based on 1 reviews

Grande Pizza 724-864-3360
12120 Route 30., 115
Irwin , PA 15642 UNITED STATES
2 5

always mess something up

They used to be AWESOME! used to have great prices and great they are more expensive and give less bang for the buck.....also quality has gone down down down....service wise. just for example. they have messed up numerous...
posted at 08/14/11

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Grande Pizza
2.0 (1 reviews)
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