Good Shepherd United Methodist Church

Good Shepherd United Methodist Church

Churches in Cleveland, OH


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5930 State Rd.,
Cleveland , OH 44134 UNITED STATES


Good Shepherd United Methodist Church 440-884-9090
5930 State Rd.,
Cleveland , OH 44134 UNITED STATES
Good Shepherd United Methodist Church 5

Based on 1 reviews

Good Shepherd United Methodist Church 440-884-9090
5930 State Rd.,
Cleveland , OH 44134 UNITED STATES
5 5

Greeted with open arms!

My family and I first came to this church 5 years ago and we couldn't believe how welcomed we were. There was no one starring you down because you were new, instead they all greeted us and invited us back again and again. They were very...
posted at 12/10/10

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Good Shepherd United Methodist Church
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Good Shepherd United Methodist Church

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