Drain Medics LLC

Drain Medics LLC

Contractors in Dittmer, MO

Contractors Plumbers and Heating Technicians

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10656 brook hallow,
Dittmer , MO 63023 UNITED STATES

About Drain Medics LLC

A clogged drain could occur at any given time of the day. And once they do occur, you will need the right drain service to take care of your clogged drainage for you. While there are plenty of draining services out there, knowing the right professional to take care of your drainage issues could mean a lot.

You might ask yourself, “are there any quality plumbing services near me in Dittmer, MO”? When it comes to quality drain service at Dittmer, we at Drain Medics LLC can help you. Whether it is cleaning or unblocking drains, emergency service, relining or a general drainage advice, we at Drain Medics LLC can give you all that.

“Are there draining services near me that provide services round the clock?” Well, yes again. Our roto rooter handymen will handle your drainage issues 24/7 whether it is a residential or commercial property. With us, there is no draining problem we can’t handle.


Drain Medics LLC 314-599-9181
10656 brook hallow,
Dittmer , MO 63023 UNITED STATES
Drain Medics LLC

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