Camp Salty Dog

Camp Salty Dog

Camping in St. Petersburg, FL


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1750 9th Ave N.,
St. Petersburg , FL 33713 UNITED STATES


Camp Salty Dog 727-823-2737
1750 9th Ave N.,
St. Petersburg , FL 33713 UNITED STATES
Camp Salty Dog 1

Based on 2 reviews

Camp Salty Dog 727-823-2737
1750 9th Ave N.,
St. Petersburg , FL 33713 UNITED STATES
1 5

TICKS TICKS TICKS!!!! My dog stayed at Camp Salty Dog for one week last year and became INFESTED WITH TICKS. He had an allergic reaction to the tick bites and was broken out in bumps, rash and pustules over his entire body. Furthermore, when I immediately took him to the Vet's office the day after picking him up from Salty Dog, my dog COWERED to the staff, shook and attempted to hide. He has been going to that Vet for years. He still has issues now when going to the Vet. It took him weeks to recover from most of whatever was done to him at that hole which traumatized him. I could not believe the condition he was in physically and emotionally. MY DOG WAS NEGLECTED AND BECAME INFESTED WITH TICKS, at the very LEAST, while in the "care" of Camp Salty Dog. THE OWNER DENIED any responsibility and refused compensation for the vet costs - and following research online I discovered others had previously written reviews warning about ticks and stated the owner also denied that the dogs got them at his business and also refused responsibility/compensation. SHAME on you, Camp Salty Dog. How my poor dog must have suffered while you were "caring" for him, and continued to suffer for weeks after while healing, on antibiotics, having daily tick searches and bathes with tick shampoo. The cost and time and stress to my dog, myself and my household was immense. The work involved in trying to keep a home from becoming infested with ticks is enormous and exhausting. And my Vet's office states they had at least one other client whose dog got ticks at Salty Dog, and whose HOME then became infested. Someone needs to put them out of business. I know they closed for a period of time after my experience there for "maintenance". Perhaps they finally treated the place for the ticks - if so, it wasn't soon enough for my family. That owner should have had the decency and integrity to close the place down and not cause others suffering until they took care of the problem. Instead, they collected my money, let me drop my dog off there and allowed him to be eaten on by ticks for an entire week. Ugh.
posted at 06/19/14
Camp Salty Dog 727-823-2737
1750 9th Ave N.,
St. Petersburg , FL 33713 UNITED STATES
1 5

They killed my dog.

They left my St Bernard outside in 90+ degree heat for nearly an hour, causing to have a heat stroke from which he died. They also refused to pay any of the vet bills incurred in attempting to save him.

If you love your dog, stay away!
posted at 06/15/11

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