A Wheels

A Wheels

Auto Dealers in Johnston, RI

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations

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648 Killingly St,
Johnston , RI 02919 UNITED STATES


A Wheels 401-273-0110
648 Killingly St,
Johnston , RI 02919 UNITED STATES
A Wheels 5

Based on 1 reviews

A Wheels 401-273-0110
648 Killingly St,
Johnston , RI 02919 UNITED STATES
5 5

Bought 2nd. car!!

Two years ago, my husband purchased a pick up truck from Carmine. We had excellent credit and the vehicle was great. This year, my husband lost his job and my van died. We went back to Carmine. He treated us with the same respect as...
posted at 12/07/10

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A Wheels
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