Antioch Auto Center LLC

Antioch Auto Center LLC

Auto Repair in Antioch, Nashville, TN

Auto Repair

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1660 Antioch Pke,
Antioch, Nashville , TN 37013 UNITED STATES


Antioch Auto Center LLC 615-833-7650
1660 Antioch Pke,
Antioch, Nashville , TN 37013 UNITED STATES
Antioch Auto Center LLC 3.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Antioch Auto Center LLC 615-833-7650
1660 Antioch Pke,
Antioch, Nashville , TN 37013 UNITED STATES
4 5


We will not EVER use Antioch Auto Center again! We paid this shop over $400 on a Tuesday and on a Thursday the car was worse than ever. Took the car back and they wanted another $300.00 for the alternator. Now why would they fix...
posted at 07/14/11
Antioch Auto Center LLC 615-833-7650
1660 Antioch Pke,
Antioch, Nashville , TN 37013 UNITED STATES
5 5

Antioch Auto - A Trusted Mechanic

I've used Antioch Auto Center multiple times. In each case, they exceeded my expectations in every way. When contemplating what I expected to pay for the repairs, their quotes came in considerably cheaper than expected. In addition, an...
posted at 01/25/10
Antioch Auto Center LLC 615-833-7650
1660 Antioch Pke,
Antioch, Nashville , TN 37013 UNITED STATES
1 5

Very, Very Rude... Especially the "Owner"

I was looking for a good local shop to deal with a unique issue with my car... There was a short history I needed to provide to see if they would be able to service my car...

Long story short, the owner, "Rock" or "Rocky" had to be...
posted at 12/21/10

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Antioch Auto Center LLC
Auto Repair
3.3 (3 reviews)
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Antioch Auto Center LLC

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