Swisshelm Transmission Svc

Swisshelm Transmission Svc

Auto Repair in Wilmington, OH

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Transmissions and Engines

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47 W Sugartree St,
Wilmington , OH 45177 UNITED STATES


Swisshelm Transmission Svc 937-382-3536
47 W Sugartree St,
Wilmington , OH 45177 UNITED STATES
Swisshelm Transmission Svc 2.3333333333333

Based on 6 reviews

Swisshelm Transmission Svc 937-382-3536
47 W Sugartree St,
Wilmington , OH 45177 UNITED STATES
1 5


This company will be out of business very soon-the so called owner Bobby Layne half does all his work, never returns anyones calls, and the epa has been notified about him straight piping mufflers. This company is in BIG trouble. What a...
posted at 02/21/11
Swisshelm Transmission Svc 937-382-3536
47 W Sugartree St,
Wilmington , OH 45177 UNITED STATES
1 5


Do not trust this place. They had my van for transmission work under warrenty. Told us it would take 2-3 days, had the van for about 6 weeks. Called several times during the 6 weeks to ask status and was told 1) the guy working on it...
posted at 08/26/10
Swisshelm Transmission Svc 937-382-3536
47 W Sugartree St,
Wilmington , OH 45177 UNITED STATES
1 5


Completely agree with "disgruntled" post. Do not take your car here! They replaced a part on a Wednesday. When I called back two day later, one of the machanics slipped up and told me that the $160.00 part they replaced didn't need...
posted at 08/13/10
Swisshelm Transmission Svc 937-382-3536
47 W Sugartree St,
Wilmington , OH 45177 UNITED STATES
5 5

Swisshelm Transmission Service is Great Service

Our family has been getting our cars and trucks fixed here since October 2002 and have exceptional service at very resonable prices. Bob has done great work and has kept his word. He rebuilt a transmission in my truck and a part went out...
posted at 01/19/10
Swisshelm Transmission Svc 937-382-3536
47 W Sugartree St,
Wilmington , OH 45177 UNITED STATES
1 5


This is the worst shop ever, DO NOT TAKE YOUR VEHICHLE HERE! He will scam you, he will half ass the job, he will charge you for work not even done, he is ripping people off. Just beware, I have had to take my car back a lot and he "is...
posted at 01/12/10
Swisshelm Transmission Svc 937-382-3536
47 W Sugartree St,
Wilmington , OH 45177 UNITED STATES
5 5

Swisshelm Transmission Svc is Outstanding

I live in Columbus and my wife's vehicle broke down late in the evening near Wilmington. I had it towed to Swisshelm that night and they contacted me first thing the next morning and updated me throughout the day. I contacted a few...
posted at 01/07/10

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Swisshelm Transmission Svc
Auto Repair
2.3 (6 reviews)
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