Kims International Automotive Shop

Kims International Automotive Shop

Auto Repair in Portland, OR

Auto Repair Body Shops

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7510 Ne Glisan St.,
Portland , OR 97213 UNITED STATES


Kims International Automotive Shop 503-253-9548
7510 Ne Glisan St.,
Portland , OR 97213 UNITED STATES
Kims International Automotive Shop 4

Based on 2 reviews

Kims International Automotive Shop 503-253-9548
7510 Ne Glisan St.,
Portland , OR 97213 UNITED STATES
4 5

Be Sure To Check The Parts, and Invoice !

my wife and I have been loyal customers of Kim's for over 10 years and that scares the cr_p out off me. I was told I needed new brake pads and calipers. I told him I don't need pads I have top of line 1 year ago.Says yes I do because oil...
posted at 01/25/10
Kims International Automotive Shop 503-253-9548
7510 Ne Glisan St.,
Portland , OR 97213 UNITED STATES
4 5

I thought I had found such a great mechanic

This place was recommended to me. I used his services 2 times and he was so nice and seemed to do a great job and was fast too even supplying a loaner car to me which I filled with gas in return. Then one day in the ignition...
posted at 02/26/10

Detail information

Company name
Kims International Automotive Shop
Auto Repair
4.0 (2 reviews)
domestic car repair,  radiator repair,  automotive repair service foreign car repair
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Kims International Automotive Shop

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