Jerry's Auto Works

Jerry's Auto Works

Auto Repair in Miami, FL

Auto Repair

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2120 Nw 23rd Ct.,
Miami , FL 33142 UNITED STATES


Jerry's Auto Works 305-637-7466
2120 Nw 23rd Ct.,
Miami , FL 33142 UNITED STATES
Jerry's Auto Works 3

Based on 1 reviews

Jerry's Auto Works 305-637-7466
2120 Nw 23rd Ct.,
Miami , FL 33142 UNITED STATES
3 5


I brought my car here after being rear-ended by a Miami-Dade police officer (in a MDPD marked cruiser - which of course, is self-insured, what a headache!)\r
Anyhow, they were quick and did an excellent job, even replacing a burnt out...
posted at 02/08/10

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Jerry's Auto Works
Auto Repair
3.0 (1 reviews)
auto collision
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