Hugh White Honda

Hugh White Honda

Automotive in Columbus, OH

Automotive Auto Dealers Auto Repair

Contact us


1360 Auto Mall.,
Columbus , OH 43228 UNITED STATES


Hugh White Honda 614-922-1111
1360 Auto Mall.,
Columbus , OH 43228 UNITED STATES
Hugh White Honda 2

Based on 2 reviews

Hugh White Honda 614-922-1111
1360 Auto Mall.,
Columbus , OH 43228 UNITED STATES
3 5

Be cautious...

Andrea M. why are you reviewing something when you dont even have a transaction to review? Let me give everyone some advice- rumors are often lies. I traveled from Toledo to buy a car in Columbus. On the way home the engine light came...
posted at 02/24/11
Hugh White Honda 614-922-1111
1360 Auto Mall.,
Columbus , OH 43228 UNITED STATES
1 5

Hugh White Honda - don't buy from these clowns

I am not sure what to say other that what happened.

I tried to by a car and trade in my 2005 Grand Caravan to only be insulted by the ignorant staff at Hugh White.
My offer to them was $26.5k on a new CRV and then any trade $$ they gave...
posted at 05/03/11

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Hugh White Honda
2.0 (2 reviews)
auto diagnostics,  auto brakes,  auto body repairs car mechanic
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