Highland Tire

Highland Tire

Auto Repair in Natrona Heights, PA

Auto Repair Tires

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1707 Freeport Rd.,
Natrona Heights , PA 15065 UNITED STATES


Highland Tire 724-224-7900
1707 Freeport Rd.,
Natrona Heights , PA 15065 UNITED STATES
Highland Tire 5

Based on 2 reviews

Highland Tire 724-224-7900
1707 Freeport Rd.,
Natrona Heights , PA 15065 UNITED STATES
5 5

The best around!

This is where me, my wife, my sister, brothers, his wife, and our parents, get ALL our tire work done and oil changes . This year I have been there for new tires, a patch, couple oil changes, tune up, and no where can match their customer...
posted at 05/07/11
Highland Tire 724-224-7900
1707 Freeport Rd.,
Natrona Heights , PA 15065 UNITED STATES
5 5

owner,waldenmyer builders

I drove 214 miles round trip from Dover, Oh. to buy wheels and tire pkg.and would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I have never been treated so well in a purchasing situation bar none and I'm a 60 yr. old Ex retail store mgr. I'm...
posted at 03/25/10

Detail information

Company name
Highland Tire
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
car repair services,  engine repair,  auto tune up domestic car repair
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