Goffs Collision Repair Centers

Goffs Collision Repair Centers

Auto Repair in Waukesha, WI

Auto Repair Body Shops

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W229n2591 Duplainville Rd.,
Waukesha , WI 53186 UNITED STATES


Goffs Collision Repair Centers 262-650-1900
W229n2591 Duplainville Rd.,
Waukesha , WI 53186 UNITED STATES
Goffs Collision Repair Centers 3

Based on 4 reviews

Goffs Collision Repair Centers 262-650-1900
W229n2591 Duplainville Rd.,
Waukesha , WI 53186 UNITED STATES
5 5

Chris K.

We have had 3 vehicles fixed at Goff's in the last 2 years. Most recently they fixed our son's Ford Taurus. This is a company that truly understands the meaning of customer service. They go above and beyond every time we walk in the...
posted at 09/24/10
Goffs Collision Repair Centers 262-650-1900
W229n2591 Duplainville Rd.,
Waukesha , WI 53186 UNITED STATES
1 5

Awful Customer Service

The customer service here is very poor. I can understand that they work in a high paced environment, but when you feel more like a nuisance, and less like a valued customer, it makes me want to spend my money elsewhere.
posted at 06/29/11
Goffs Collision Repair Centers 262-650-1900
W229n2591 Duplainville Rd.,
Waukesha , WI 53186 UNITED STATES
5 5

Chris K.

We have had 3 vehicles fixed at Goff's in the last 2 years. Most recently they fixed our son's Ford Taurus. This is a company that truly understands the meaning of customer service. They go above and beyond every time we walk in the...
posted at 09/23/10
Goffs Collision Repair Centers 262-650-1900
W229n2591 Duplainville Rd.,
Waukesha , WI 53186 UNITED STATES
1 5

Aaron Weaver

I was extremely dissatisfied, and nobody at Goff's seemed to care. \r
My insurance is through State Farm. I've been with them for 22 years. State Farm is a great company, Goff's is not. Front end damage on the van was over 4,000. ...
posted at 01/24/10

Detail information

Company name
Goffs Collision Repair Centers
Auto Repair
3.0 (4 reviews)
foreign car repair,  auto painting,  domestic car repair auto brakes
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