Firestone Tire & Service Centers

Firestone Tire & Service Centers

Auto Repair in Boston, MA

Auto Repair Tires

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972 Commonwealth Ave.,
Boston , MA 02215 UNITED STATES


Firestone Tire & Service Centers 617-277-8480
972 Commonwealth Ave.,
Boston , MA 02215 UNITED STATES
Firestone Tire & Service Centers 4

Based on 4 reviews

Firestone Tire & Service Centers 617-277-8480
972 Commonwealth Ave.,
Boston , MA 02215 UNITED STATES
5 5

Wouldn't go anywhere else

I take my and my wife's car here often for service and tires (and wouldn't even consider anywhere else). Every time I come in I am met with pleasant and helpful employees who answer any questions I have. Even when they are over crowded...
posted at 10/08/10
Firestone Tire & Service Centers 617-277-8480
972 Commonwealth Ave.,
Boston , MA 02215 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great experience as always

I take my and my wife's car here often for service and tires (and wouldn't even consider anywhere else). Every time I come in I am met with pleasant and helpful employees who answer any questions I have. Even when they are over crowded...
posted at 10/08/10
Firestone Tire & Service Centers 617-277-8480
972 Commonwealth Ave.,
Boston , MA 02215 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best shop around!

My car broke down recently and i was in an area of the city i was not familiar with. I had it towed to the closest shop around, being firestone on commonwealth avenue. It was late in the evening and the shop was just about closing and i...
posted at 10/10/10
Firestone Tire & Service Centers 617-277-8480
972 Commonwealth Ave.,
Boston , MA 02215 UNITED STATES
1 5

they "fixed" a tire that another fireston said couldnt be

They said they fixed it. i had already replaced the tire at another firestone on vfw pkwy who told me (LIKE THEY ALWAYS DO) that the tire cant be fixed so i need to buy another one and the warranty again. well i got tired of hearing that...
posted at 05/18/11

Detail information

Company name
Firestone Tire & Service Centers
Auto Repair
4.0 (4 reviews)
car audio installation,  collision auto repair,  car fixing auto brakes
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