Featherstone Garage

Featherstone Garage

Auto Repair in Gastonia, NC

Auto Repair

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111 Huffstettler Rd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES


Featherstone Garage 704-824-2174
111 Huffstettler Rd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
Featherstone Garage 5

Based on 1 reviews

Featherstone Garage 704-824-2174
111 Huffstettler Rd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
5 5

A Great Personal Mechanic

I was lucky to find Tommy Featherston through a recommendation from Tyndol Ford in Gastonia. Apparently Tommy worked as a mechanic for Ford dealers in the area for 25 years or more before opening this small two bay garage next to his...
posted at 02/28/10

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Featherstone Garage
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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