D & M Wonderland Inc

D & M Wonderland Inc

Child Care and Day Care Centers in Brooklyn, NY

Child Care and Day Care Centers

Contact us


265 Newkirk Ave.,
Brooklyn , NY 11230 UNITED STATES

About D & M Wonderland Inc


D & M Wonderland Inc 718-871-5034
265 Newkirk Ave.,
Brooklyn , NY 11230 UNITED STATES
D & M Wonderland Inc 5

Based on 2 reviews

D & M Wonderland Inc 718-871-5034
265 Newkirk Ave.,
Brooklyn , NY 11230 UNITED STATES
5 5

Friendly, efficient staff, great experience

Our kids started at the Wonderland Daycare Center when they were 2 years old. Our experience with them has been great: the children have enjoyed almost every minute of their time there (the other kids can be a pain despite the best that...
posted at 11/04/10
D & M Wonderland Inc 718-871-5034
265 Newkirk Ave.,
Brooklyn , NY 11230 UNITED STATES
5 5

Good experience: professional staff, happy kids

Our kids started at the Wonderland Daycare Center when they were 2 years old. I've had nothing but good, pleasant experiences with them since the beginning: the children have enjoyed almost every minute of their time there (the other kids...
posted at 11/03/10

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D & M Wonderland Inc
Child Care and Day Care Centers
5.0 (2 reviews)
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D & M Wonderland Inc

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